Combatting the Gin Trap Scourge (6-minute Video)

Combatting the Gin Trap Scourge (6-minute Video)

The deadly gin trap's origins in Mozambique are rooted in the devasting war that gripped the country for decades. During the war, thousands of destroyed military vehicles lay discarded across the sub-region. The leaf springs of these vehicles provided the primary material for the local blacksmiths, who used their rudimentary foundries to make gin traps and then sold them to the poachers.

Zambeze Delta Safaris anti-poaching unit has removed thousands of these gin traps over the past 30 years. The seized traps are used as reinforcement in building construction in the camps to dispose of them.

The anti-poaching team's relentless pressure on the poachers has seen a dramatic drop in the number and quality of gin traps in the area.