Elephant Population Control in Botswana (4-minute Video)

Elephant Population Control in Botswana (4-minute Video)

If communities are not going to benefit from conservation, conservation is not going to survive. Safari hunting is one way of ensuring a sustainability tool, but it is not going to solve the problem of elephants.

We simply have too many in these areas. But hunting, at least in the short to medium term, will be able to provide some sustainability for the communities and give wildlife managers and ecologists a way to find ways to reduce the number of elephants in Botswana.

Several options exist, none of which are foolproof and none of which can, on its own, provide the solution.

Elephant corridors are one of the hailed solutions within the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area.

Botswana’s elephant population has been stable for the last eight years. Why is that? Could it mean that the corridors are not effective?

Wildlife management consultant and veterinarian Dr. Erik Verreynne examines the complex problem.