Fragile Ecosystem Threats (5-minute Video)

Fragile Ecosystem Threats (5-minute Video)

Natural ecosystems are very fragile, and it is extremely difficult to restore them once they are lost.

Zambia's Lunga Busanga Game Management Area (GMA) borders the Kafue National Park to the north. The tsetse fly (Glossina sp.) carries the Trypanosoma parasite, which causes sleeping sickness in humans and nagana in domestic animals, particularly cattle.

This factor was the salvation for wilderness areas across Africa, including the Lunga Busanga GMA, by keeping domestic livestock out. Control of the disease primarily relies on managing the vector population (tsetse flies) and using trypanocidal drugs to treat infected animals.

Because of this, cattle encroachment across the region is starting to become an issue and needs to be controlled because cattle will compete with wildlife for grazing.

Other problems facing the area include poaching for meat, ivory, leopard, lion and timber, but Fico Vidale Safaris management is tackling the issues head-on.