Non-Lethal Elephant Control (5-minute Video)

Non-Lethal Elephant Control (5-minute Video)

Mitigating Human-Wildlife Conflict

The Mozambique Wildlife Alliance (MWA) takes a multifaceted approach to handling human-wildlife conflict. When conflict information is verified, a team is deployed to the area to conduct a workshop with the community.

Legal issues are clarified, and the range of mitigation measures is explained. In high-conflict areas, a rapid response unit is created and staffed by the local people.

Most problem animals are elephants, and if the conflict is severe, wildlife veterinarians are dispatched to locate and put a GPS-enabled collar on the miscreants.

MWA has an operations room in Maputo where the staff can monitor the movements of these animals. Areas where conflict is most likely are identified and the communities can be alerted if a problem elephant approaches.

Various mitigation techniques are used, including chili bricks and chili rag fences. A box containing multiple deterrent equipment is left with the communities to be used when necessary.

The box includes a spotlight, an air horn, firecrackers, a bird banger which shoots a missile 20 yards before making a loud noise, and a paintball gun that shoots balls filled with chili powder.

This proactive interaction with communities fosters a strong relationship and a beacon of hope in sometimes desperate situations.